Monday, October 30, 2017

Uflex Ltd - presentation

Here's the Uflex Ltd. presentation I recently made at a TIA conference. This is purely educational and not at all a stock recommendation. It's purely for helping understand the company and the industry. Please do read the disclaimer in the presentation. Cheers.

Updated with a video presentation of Asepto Liquid Packaging solution. Very impressive.

Corporate presentation of Uflex


Unknown said...

Very good presentation.I did't had a chance to attend the event.Good to see you have it in slide share.Thank you for sharing.My wishes for all your efforts.

SNEHAL said...

Very good presentation sir. Thanks for giving detailed info in few slides. Truly u have packaged it very well.

Kshitiz said...

Any comments on this Jiten Sir ?

Jiten Parmar said...

I don't have access to the above content. So cannot comment.